Naszych zagranicznych kolegów odebrałem z Szymonem w poniedziałek kolo godz Together with Szymon I met our foreign friends at the airport on monday about 3 PM. It was their first visit to any east-europe country so we decided to welcome them in a polish-traditional way. Straight after arrival we took Eric, Oli and Jon to some restaurant where they ate some dumplings and other polsih traditional dishes. Next we hit up Mirek`s house where we were chilling after long journey from Amsterdam. In the evening we did small barbecue, Basza, Szymon and Eric B had and a small session on a training rail, while Oli played some guitar and Jon filmed everything around.
I was angry because I could not skate due to injury of my heel from Imyta:/ Finally we went to sleep and next morning went to Częstochowa. We picked up Adam and went to the first spot – famous Częstochowa`s monument with two gigantic concrete quarterpipes. Here Eric showed his great skills, with help of my car got enough speed and did a crazy stall transfer between those huge obstacles. Next Oli found some spot and did nice roll on kinked ledge. New concrete skatepark was the next spot. Here some were chilling, some were filming the clips – Madej with his crazy spins into tricks, Zecior with flawless style and creativity while Eric did various grinds up the box. The day ended with one more crazy stunt – once again Eric Bailey was responsible for it. We went to this kinked ledge wich has already been skated by local rollers but no one had done the whole thing before. Well Eric B backroyaled it J, but what is more he did it in line with some 540 from the roof near by, it was a blast!!!
There were plenty of skaters form whoel Śląsk and Częstochowa so the afterparty was huge. Well “Wodka connecting people’ J I guess everyone had a good fun. Next morning hangover was unavoidable but thanks to ‘king’ breakfast prepared by Adam`s mother give us enough energy to go on. Just before heading to Warszawa, Adam and I took Oli to the Sanctuary of Jasna Góra, where mr Short – the man with truly opened mind was taking some photos of everything which he passed by. After couple hours of driving we got to the Warszawa`s inddor skatpark – Jutrzenka where skaters from Skarżysko, Lublin and some locals already gathered. That session was for sure something to remember for most of the guys here, having such legends as Jon Julio during the session is really sth to look for. Of course local heros – Chester, Piotrek, Ciapek showed mad good tricks and style. The session soon ended and we went to another party. Next day our guests went further to Moscow, leaving really goood impression on us. Lets hope we will see them again soon!!
Text: YoghurtFoto: Mirek Ragan, Kajek, Yoghurt